Your HD Mission Statement 1.0

[Note: this recorded workshop is now also available as a Bonus when you purchase "Your HD Mission Statement 2.0"]


This is a product that came to be purely via a combination of personal experimenting (as you can see below) and a direct invitation from another Projector ... she essentially said:

"If you make it I will buy it" 

And so I did.

Here's the backstory:

I ran across this elevator speech image in my timeline (big thank you to whoever shared it first - totally swiped it, was perfect timing <3):

And proceeded to post it to one of my Human Design groups (this one happened to be for Projectors in Business, could be for anyone HD interested though I think 🤔)

With exactly this as the post content:

"Spotted this image on my newsfeed.

An “elevator speech” is a short statement that is meant to let people who ask “what is it you do?”; have a clue about how you might serve them.

With my open G (especially) this has always been my nemesis.[the notself question for that center is "are you seeking love and direction"]

And yet, it's never an exercise that’s not worth practicing.

Wanna take a stab at it?

Try to be as pedantic and plain spoken as you can.

Maybe pretend the person you tell this to needs to be able to repeat it to someone else. It can be THAT clear.

I think I’m going to play around with my Motivation, Sense, Trajectory & Personality Sun Gate.

For me that’s-

Motivation- Fear
Sense - Meditation
Trajectory - Separatist
pSun - 27.1 (nurturing via selfishness/self-care)

Recently, (thanks to an unexpected PM) I had a possible lightbulb around “supporting coaches in client crisis” for example.

[I do also have the Gates of crisis and struggle - it pays to get familiar with your Design - anywhere you're defined, you're built to handle that energy in a consistent way]

So for example, maybe coaches who know they are, over-giving, might want help deciding on boundaries to experiment with, me asking questions that no one ever asks so there’s opportunity to regroup and reframe, looking at fears and the stories that go with them, etc...

Lol, and I just had a giggle at this thought that popped in my head (because it's specific but at the same time utterly generic) -

“I help people with a defined or undefined solar plexus find/face their biggest fears so they can take the best care possible of themselves and the people around them”

Sorta true I think? 🤔

And the part that made me laugh was the curiosity part that’s built in “how do I know whether I’m defined or undefined?” .... effortless them-asking-me thingy for response, or not.

[Projector strategy is to wait to be invited/recognized - see how this could set that stage?]

Another thought -

If you’ve had people answer the 4 question for you, revisit the one that speaks to their transformation - it's question 3.

(if you haven’t asked the 4 questions lately or at all - they can be really clarifying, I've included them as a bonus resource inside)

Ask 3-5 clients or customers these four questions and you can often get instant insights into the actual words you might want to experiment with in your marketing and offer creating.

Let me know if you want to :)"


That was the post - the response was impressive. SO many lightbulbs.

Then ... 

About a week later, a private message conversation (so much happens in PM for me!) a friend and I were brainstorming about what she'd taken away from that thread.

A lot.

Then she invited me to create a container where we could talk about it further with a small group ... and this new offer was born.

Well, I should say, the idea of it was born.

It's a total experiment :)

Several people have raised their hands to be part of it (there are a few more spaces, but also there are enough already to make it a thing - so no pressure either way, just sharing my process in case it offers some lightbulbs)

The REAL birth is yet to come when we get together and fidil (F-it Do It Live) this puppy.

[update: that's now been accomplished - it lives!!]

And hopefully help a few more people get clearer clues around what their potential is the more they Live their Human Design.

[They have!]

So yeah, that's the backstory to how;

"Word-Crafting Your Human Design Mission Statement"

Came to be. <3

And now it's become an evergreen product so that you can also craft yours .... enjoy!

Andrea :)

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